Creating Opportunities for Muralists


Meet Our Artists

Orihon partners with artists to help expand their impact within local communities. Check out some of their stories below.

Girl Mobb

Box Truck Fundraiser

Orihon is partnering with Girl Mobb and her 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Graffiti Camp for Girls to fundraise for their Box Truck Mobile Classroom. This will enable the camp to become a mobile organization, allowing them to expand class and workshop offerings to underserved communities throughout Northern California and beyond.

Nigel Sussman

NFTs for Nonprofits

Nigel Sussman and Orihon are currently exploring nonfungible tokens as a way to finance charitable work. Orihon is auctioning Nigel’s designs so that they can be physically recreated within Bay Area nonprofit organizations. Proceeds from these sales will empower Nigel to create works within social spaces that foster inclusion and unity (ex: Community Centers, Schools, etc.)

Bay Area Mural Program (BAMP)

Bay Area Mural Program

Orihon is working with the nonprofit Bay Area Mural Program (BAMP) to help highlight Oakland-based artists and assist in expanding their skills into the digital space. The partnership focuses on helping the organization’s vision of turning bare, blighted walls into artistic gateways that reflect the community's surrounding environment.

Who are we?

Orihon is a social impact collective based in Oakland, California.

Since our founding in 2021, we’ve built out our artist network and have connected to various nonprofit, governmental, and corporate entities in order to create new initiatives that help artists expand their reach and boost their community impact.

We believe this social focus goes hand-in-hand with creating a thriving business and are focused on creating purposeful ecosystems that provide value for all parties involved.

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